
Breaking the chains

That night after my last post, it suddenly came to me. I was lying down to sleep, but my thoughts wouldn't stop coming and I kept thinking about what I just done that day. In a way a broke some chains, some chains I put on myself. I gave myself space to breathe, to realise what I really wanted. The photos that would spark some feeling inside of me, those are the ones I want to keep. Those are the ones I want to work on, play with the lighting, exposure, the colours etc. to bring out the best of them. I want photos that I would print, and put up on walls inside my house. I don't have a house at the moment, since I'm perpetually traveling, so my house would be inside my laptop basically for the time being.

But instead, I built a room in my head. I opened Lightroom again, I went through all the photos from start to end. If I wouldn't put it up on any wall of that room, it would go to the trash. If a photo brought me a nice memory, I would just export to JPEG to my normal photo collection and delete the original RAW. The past days I did this process already 2-3 times whenever I felt stuck at my day job, just to do something else in between. It kind of cleared my head too and seeing some captures moments brought me nice memories and gratefulness for having those experiences.

Now just a few days later, I already went from having 1532 RAW files to 919 RAW files ♥