
Nothing lasts forever

Once I lost my iPod for a few days, the classic one. I was upset, my escape was taken from me. Then one night, I dreamt I found my iPod again, I woke up so happy only to be confronted worth the reality it was not there..

It made me think of all the dreams I had as a kid, I knew I was about to wake up and return to the real world, but I had something in my hand I really wanted to keep and bring back to the real world. So I clung to it, with all my strength.. I closed my eyes, preparing to wake up.. and I woke without it.

It was a good life lesson, whatever you have, enjoy it, nothing lasts forever.. But, I did find my iPod that day, squeezed between my bed and my mattress.. I couldn’t believe my eyes, but I was grateful for it.

#dreams #memoirs