

When I started my journey here, I came across a few personal blogs and one captivated me from the start. I’ve added them to my RSS feed and with excitement I read every new post coming in. I felt connected, in a strange way. It’s sort of a one way connection, but a weird one.. They are posting, opening up in a new way and being vulnerable.. just sending it out there.

And on the other side I am, finding comfort in their words. So much comfort that I started to feel something for the person behind the words. A small glimmer of something that resembles love. It’s weird. Like falling in love with a character from a show or something.

They kept themselves anonymous, with some minor details shared. It was good this way, until someday I connected a few dots by accident and found the person behind those words. It’s still not the real-real person from the words, but a mask they are wearing for some public streaming.. I saw them, their face, heard them laugh. It felt surreal. I know they are not completely the same, but just part of the same person.

I just know I love the mask that is writing the words, if it’s their true self I will never know but I like to believe the one behind the words is the most truest to their inner being. The one I started to treasure.